Night sky over Mt. Taranaki reflecting in Pouakai Pool New Zealand

About Hiwa Navigation

Hiwa Arrow Icon Kowhai


Hiwa Navigation is a charity founded in 2019, and it's the first Māori community-driven sexual abuse service in the Southern region. Our mission is to improve access to sexual abuse services for Māori, Pasifika, Takatāpui-Rainbow community and other under-served communities. We aim to do this by enhancing the connectivity and integration of services to provide quick and effective support for whānau and by growing the capability of providers to deliver these services confidently.

Hiwa Koru Icon Kikorangi


Hiwa Navigation is led by Rachel Miller, Jennifer Miller, and Alex Banse, each bringing extensive experience from community and government organisations. Our operational focus is to provide manaaki to our team of therapists and allied health providers, ensuring they have what they need to deliver high-quality, culturally meaningful services to our kiritaki/clients.

Hiwa Pin Icon Pukeko


Our community of therapists and allied health kaimahi reflects the diversity of our community.

We invest in our provider’s cultural and professional development through free workshops and online supervision sessions. We also actively recruit providers who champion various kaupapa, ensuring our clients receive meaningful and effective services.

A silhouette stands on in the hill and looks at the Milky Way galaxy 1

Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.

My strength is not as an individual but as a collective. 

Ngā mihi nui to our funders and partners for your unwavering support. Your contributions are the backbone of Hiwa Navigation's success. To our incredible community of providers, we owe our progress to your dedication and hard work. 

