Arianna Andrews
Region: Invercargill
Provider Type: Counsellor
I te taha o toku Papa
Ko Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Porou me Kuki Airani oku iwi
I te taha o toku Whaea
Ko Ngati Maniapoto me Ngati Rarua oku iwi
Ko Arianna Andrews toku ingoa
- Graduate Certificate in Addiction Intervention, Open Polytechnic
- Bachelor of Social Health and Wellbeing – Mental Health and Addictions, Open Polytechnic, Wellington
- New Zealand Certificate in Whanau Ora, Manaaki Ora Trust
- National Diploma of Mental Health Support Work, Southern Institute of Technology
- National Certificate in Social Services, Southern Institute of Technology
- ACC registered Counsellor for Sensitive Claims Treatment Provider
- AOD Counsellor, Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust, Invercargill
- Casual Mental Health Support Worker at Kakakura Trust, Invercargill
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