Cinnamon Boreham
Region: Dunedin
Provider Type: Psychotherapist
Specialities: EMDR, Psychodrama, Takatāpui Rainbow Friendly, Te Ao Māori
Tukua te wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata
Hei ārahī i ā tatou mahi
Ma tā tātou whai i ngā tikanga a rātou mā
Ki a mau ki a ita
Ki a kore ai e ngaro
Ki a pupuri
Ki a whakamua
Ki a tina! Tina! Hui e! Taiki e!
Allow one’s spirit to exercise its potential To guide us in our work as well as in our pursuit of our ancestral traditions Take hold and preserve it Ensure it is never lost Hold fast. Secure it. Draw together! Affirm!
- ACC registered Counsellor for Sensitive Claims & Treatment Group Based Therapy
- Psychotherapist
- Psychodramatist
- BA Humanities
- Te Korowai Aroha Mauri Ora
- Te Korowai Aroha Paearahi
- Te Ngaru Learning system
- Transactional Analysis Therapy
- Cert. Alcohol and Drug Counselling
- Stopping Violence Dunedin - Kaiwhakaruruhau - Individual and Group Counsellor/Facilitator- Management and Strategy
- Ministry of Justice
- Dunedin Collaboration Against Family/Whānau Violence
- Relationship Services
- Te Wai Matua Trust
- Te Roopu Tautoko Ki te Tonga
- Moana House
All Service Providers