Faye Gorman

Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahu, Mahi Affiliation to APANZ: the Association of Psychotherapists Aotearoa New Zealand

Faye Gorman

Region: Dunedin

Provider Type: Psychotherapist

Specialities: Online, Psychodrama, Psychotherapy, Refugee and/or Migrant Communities


Tēna koutou,

Ko Taratara te māunga

Ko Pupuke te awa

Ko Whangaroa te moana

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Ngāpuhi tōku Iwi

Ko Ngāti Kahu tōku hapu

Ko Pupuke te Marae

Ko Faye Gorman tōku ingoa

Nō reira, tēna koutou katoa

Nau mai, haere mai,

A little about me:

I'm a senior Psychotherapist and bring a wealth of experience in working alongside those affected by sexual abuse.

What's important to me is listening to your experience, your concerns and your wishes for recovery, and what it means to you. Your story is unique to you, and sharing your experiences, as and when you feel ready to, can be the start of really making a positive impact on your life moving forward. 

I am trained to progress your treatment is stages, in collaboration with you, so your recovery is gentle and safe and we engage as a team together, with your informed consent and understanding. 

I value my whakapapa and whanau connection highly, and walk and live comfortably within both te ao Māori and the Pākeha world.

I'm currently working across and within cultures in Aotearoa NZ, and previously in Australia, throughout the Pacific and Internationally.

Bi-Cultural Practice has long been important to me, and I initiated the Māori pathway for Psychotherapy in Aotearoa, Many others have since deveoped this further and now Māori psychotherapy is a valued training pathway to Psychotherapy In New Zealand


  • Registered Psychotherapist: PBANZ- Psychotherapy Board of Aoteaora New Zealand, 1997  
  • Certificate Advanced Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy 2010: NZAP - New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists
  • Registered Psychiatric Nurse: RPN, Dunedin School Of Nursing 1983


  • With decades of ongoing learning and development, I have gathered a substantial depth and breadth of experience in working with those affected by Sexual Abuse.
  • I have also specifically trained with leading international educator Dr John Briere (USA) and Professor Warwick Middleton -Trauma and Dissociation Unit, Belmont Private, Brisbane. 
  • I have completed dozens of courses, seminars and workshops over the decades, specific to sexual abuse trauma. 
  • No matter where I have worked, trauma from sexual abuse has been underlying many presenting disorders. It can be such a relief to make sense of your experinces and responses, no matter how long ago the abuse happened. 
  • I continuously seek education in the latest research and constantly learn by listening to the stories of people affected by sexual abuse.
  • Along with providing depth Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to ACC kiritaki and private clients.
  • I have been a Lecturer, Advisor, Consultant, Manager, a Research Clinical Consultant at the University of Otago. 
  • I am active in presenting at conferences and being Keynote Speaker.
  • I contribute to community mental health education evenings on Marae.

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