Jennifer Miller
Te Āti Awa
Region: Dunedin
Provider Type: Counsellor
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Waiwhakaiho te awa
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi
Ko Ngāti te Whiti te hapū
- Diploma of Applied Addiction Counselling, Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions
- Diploma of Professional Training
- Whānau, Hapu, Iwi Kai Whakaruruhau, Indigenous Qualification - Te Korowai Aroha
- Certificate of Personal Training and Exercise Prescription,
- Diploma of Herbal Medicine
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- National Membership: DAPAANZ - Drug and Alcohol Practitioners Association Aotearoa NZ
Working also currently as Kaitohutohu Māori/Māori Counsellor - University of Otago.
- ACC registered Counsellor for Sensitive Claims
- CEP Practitioner - Mirror HQ Dunedin
- Kaimarie Hauora Māori Counsellor -Mirror
- Kaiarahi Māori Cancer Navigator, Healthy Lifestyles - Whānau Ora Kaimahi Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora
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