Myles Reilly
Region: Dunedin
Provider Type: Counsellor
Ko te pae tawhiti arumia kia tata-Ko te pae tata whakamaua-Kia puta i te wheiao ki te ao mārama
Seek to bring the distant horizon nearer - grasp it firmly once near - and so emerge from darkness into enlightenment.
- Advanced Theory of Psychotherapy Series
- Transactional Analysis-ongoing
- Te Taketake
- Diploma of Applied Addiction Counselling
- Bachelor of Social Services
- Grad Dip Secondary Schools Teaching
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Diploma Te Ara Reo Māori (advanced)
- ACC registered Counsellor for Sensitive Claims - Treatment Group Based Therapy
- Private Practice
- Kaioranga Mirror Day Programme
- Kōwhai Centre
- Mindfulness Yoga Based Intervention
- Adventure based learning
- Psycho dynamic/relational based therapy
- Attachment/Trauma/Intergenerational Trauma Informed
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