Jessica Rahui-McConnell
Region: Dunedin
Provider Type: Psychologist
Ngāti Hineuru; Ngāti Moerewa
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Massey University
- Master of Arts in Psychology, Massey University
- Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Practice Massey University
- Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention Melbourne Polytechnic
- Level 4 Te Reo Māori Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
- Te Pōkaitahi Reo Māori Te Aho a Māui (EIT)
- ACC Sensitive Claims Psychologist and ACC Group Facilitator
- Te Paki o Atutahi: this is a whānau-centred, kaupapa Māori psychology space
- Te Kuwatawata, National Hauora Coalition, Tāmaki Makaurau-Psychologist.
- Te Whare Hīnātore, Auckland City Mission, Auckland Psychologist
- Salvocare Eastern, Melbourne-youth worker
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Melbourne
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